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时间:2022-11-02 17:30:05 来源:网友投稿



大家有没有观看过电影《红海行动》, 这整部影片所要传达的意义——作为一支国际化军种,未来的中国海军,尤其是海军特种部队将在履行国际义务等方面发挥重要作用。下面是小编为大家整理的精彩文章内容,希望大家能够喜欢。


The main line of the film "Red Sea Action" consists of four stories. Thefilm tells the story of the 8-member team of the Chinese Navy's "ZhenlongCommando" who was ordered to perform the task of evacuating overseas Chinese.The commando soldiers were rescued in two ways, but unfortunately they wereambushed and suffered casualties; At the same time, it was a tragic story in theshocking plot to smash the rebel leader. Fighting pirates, evacuating overseasChinese, entering other countries to fight, leaving life and death, snipertit-for-tat and other plots are all unique highlights. After 138 minutes, youwill either fight or boom, with a total investment of 500 million yuan, whichshould be a penny left.

Time is short. Under the general principle that "the evacuation of overseasChinese can be countered, on the contrary, exchange of fire must be avoided toavoid diplomatic conflicts", naval warships and dragon commandos docked at theseaport under harsh environment, successfully transferred Chinese expatriateswaiting at the dock, and rescued the pursued Chinese consulate staff afterfierce encounter. However, the matter was not finished yet, and just as theoverseas Chinese were being evacuated, the Dragon Commando received the newsthat the Chinese hostages had been hijacked. They felt that they had a greatresponsibility and launched the rescue operation again without hesitation. Theroad ahead is dangerous, and what the Dragon Commando will encounter is far morethan hostage rescue.

Some netizens commented on the whole movie, saying that it should not becalled Operation Red Sea, but Operation Boom Hi. In the film, the director paidattention to a detail, that is, the issue of guns outside the country. There areprovisions in the United Nations, which probably mean that when entering othercountries to fight, guns and equipment supplied by other countries should beused. That's why in the film, the Xiaolong team used European weapons. And inthe whole film, Chinese plays only account for a very small part, and most ofthem are martial arts.


Today, my parents and I watched the movie Operation in the Red Seatogether, and I was deeply shocked by the Chinese navy!

This film mainly tells about the war in Ivia Republic of Africa, where manyChinese overseas Chinese are trapped and in a very dangerous situation. TheChinese navy was ordered to rescue trapped overseas Chinese and hostages. War iscruel, many people lost their lives in the war, some people's fingers were blownup, and some legs were blown off. Our Chinese navy fought bravely andsuccessfully saved the trapped Chinese citizens.

When the navy was about to evacuate, it was found that there was anotherChinese citizen being held hostage, and none of our Chinese could be leftbehind! Eight commandos rejoined the camp. What I still remember is that asoldier was injured in his arm and half of his face, and still kept fightinguntil his neck was finally pierced and he gave his precious life. There is alsoa soldier, whose hand was blown off and shot several times in his body. When hewas dying, he connected the annunciator.

I deeply admire the bravery of our Chinese navy. They not only successfullyrescued the hostages, but also rescued the hostages of many other countries, andsuccessfully intercepted the yellow cake and overfulfilled the task.


At noon today, the teacher organized the students to watch the movie Actionin the Red Sea.

The film tells a series of touching stories, such as eight special warfaremembers of the Chinese Marine Corps, killing pirates and rescuing the Guangdongfreighter, evacuating Chinese diplomats and expatriates from the war zone, goingdeep behind enemy lines to rescue the looted Chinese citizen Deng Mei, andfinally taking back the raw material "yellow cake" and technical materials formaking dirty bombs from their hands.

The battle pictures of Operation Red Sea are not only wonderful andintense, but also tragic! Among them, the sentence that touched me most in thefilm is "Chinese navy, we will take you home". When I saw this, I felt that mywhole body's blood reached a climax with the development of the film, and I wastoo excited to say a word. The "Dragon Commando" rescued Chinese merchant shipsin the Somali waters and Chinese citizens in war-torn countries. A series oflife-and-death rescues made me see what Chinese soldiers are "fearless" and"invincible". How can I not feel deeply in my heart? Only when the motherland isstrong can people be safe.

We don't live in peaceful times, we just live in a peaceful country. Ourpeace and freedom are guarded by thousands of soldiers, and our dignity andself-confidence are supported by our powerful motherland. It is preciselybecause of the special combat team members who defend our country like inOperation Red Sea that we can have a happy and stable day today!


Action on the Red Sea was finally released during the Spring Festival. As amilitary fan, I have been looking forward to this for a long time. As soon asthe movie was released, I couldn't wait to take my parents to see thissuper-burning military blockbuster.

This film is adapted from the true story of a navy dragon commando who wentto Ivia, an African country, to perform the overseas Chinese evacuation mission.It reflects the real events, scenes and feelings, and shows the strength of themotherland.

The story began in a tense atmosphere. Time is short. Under the generalprinciple that "the evacuation of overseas Chinese can be countered, on thecontrary, exchange of fire must be avoided to avoid diplomatic conflicts", thenaval warship Linyi was ordered to send a dragon commando deep into Ivia. Underthe harsh circumstances, the commando team quickly and successfully transferredthe Chinese expatriates waiting at the dock, and rescued the pursued Chineseconsulate bus in the fierce battle.

However, it's not over yet. While covering the evacuation of expatriates,the Xiaolong Commando received the news that the Chinese had been abducted. Theyfelt that they had a great responsibility and launched the rescue operationagain without hesitation. The road ahead is dangerous, and the dragon commandosare about to encounter more than hostage rescue, and the astonishing conspiracywill soon surface.

Yang Rui is the captain of the Jiaolong Commando, with eight membersincluding the vice captain and blaster Hong Xu, the signalman Zhuang Yu, themedic Lu Chen, the sniper Gu Shun, the observer Li Zhi, the machine gunner ZhangTiande, and the machine gunner Tong Li. Commandos fought bravely, cooperated inunity, and worked hard to the death. With high-precision equipment and superbskills in street fighting, tank fighting, blasting, bomb disposal, sniper,reconnaissance, and fighting, they were eliminated one by one, successfullyrescued Chinese expatriates, and successfully completed their mission. At thesame time, they paid a heavy sacrifice. Eight people's Dragon Commandosacrificed two people and injured two people, which made the soul of the armyunforgettable.


Recently, there is a very popular "Operation in the Red Sea". This film hassimilarities and differences with "Wolf Warriors 2". Although I think WolfWarriors 2 is better to watch, it is undeniable that this film captures theunyielding spirit of Chinese soldiers fighting bravely and dying.

This film is based on the evacuation of overseas Chinese in Yemen. A couptook place in Ivia Republic in northern Africa, and terrorist organizations andrebels invaded the capital. Chinese overseas Chinese were in danger. The navalwarships received orders from their superiors and sent eight dragon commandos toevacuate overseas Chinese. Under harsh conditions, they broke through the tightencirclement, completed the task, and rescued more than 20 foreign hostages bythe way, and finally took the "Yellow Cake" back from the terroristorganization.

The movie "Operation in the Red Sea" shows the strength of our navy andtruly restores the cruelty of war. It is interlocking, thrilling, eye-catching,exciting and tense.

The main difference between Operation Red Sea and Wolf Warriors 2 is thatOperation Red Sea embodies not individual heroism but team spirit. The red seaoperation is very compact, and my heart has been hanging in the air for twohours, which is a bit breathless. This movie has very bloody scenes, such asclose-up of broken limbs, pieces of separated body organs, and the twitching ofcorpses, which is really frightening and horrible.

The similarities between the two films are to praise the soldiers of themotherland and the strength of the motherland. The reason why the director wantsus to look at the bloody scenes is to show that we are not living in a peacefulera, but in a peaceful country. This shooting method also shows the strength ofChina. And the film did not turn the war into a game because the research publicdid not like blood. The director boldly and truly performed the cruelty of war.If there is war, there will be casualties. If you want to live on thebattlefield, your physical quality should be hard enough. If someone saves you,you will have to keep up. Otherwise, you can only die together.

The film also highlights the team consciousness. In the Xiaolong Commando,there is a clear division of labor, and no one will be the most important.Everyone in the team has an irreplaceable role. Everyone listened to thecaptain's orders, responded to the difficulties and made changes at random,which made them succeed.

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